

Perfectly, Enough

There used to be a time that I prided myself on being a perfectionist.  But little by little I came to understand that while the pursuit of happiness a worthy goal, the pursuit of perfection is a disease.  Perfect, is the high that the perfectionist chases like an addict.  It does not not make us happy for long, it takes more and more of it to achieve that sense of pleasure, it costs us a lot of time and money, it negatively affects our relationships, and it causes us to be criticized for sacrificing other things to achieve it. Worst yet, like a true addict, we don’t seem to be able to put down this “20 ton shield” that Brene Brown says we carry around to protect us from failure and judgement. If only we could see ourselves and what we do as enough.

So hi, my name is Sharzad, and I am a recovering perfectionist.  It has taken me weeks to get this website to come close to my liking, and the imperfections bug the hell out of me!  For example, when I look at the picture you see, instead of focusing on how what I achieved looks cool, I look at it and wish my hair was visible, my expression was more flattering, and that I didn’t have some white thing in my pocket.  Basically, I am having trouble setting aside perfectionism long enough to make a site about letting go or coping with perfectionism.  Now that, is Irony!  (Take note Alanis!)

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Tales From  Recovering Perfectionists


Some Aha Moments

Link 2


Excellent Parenting Stories

Link 3


Favorite Rabbit Holes


One of the more fun side effects of my perfectionist obsessions is going deep into rabbit holes to find the details or history of something. From who wrote House of The Rising Sun, to how on earth did the author of the Hunger Games understand so accurately what it’s like to live in a state after a failed revolution, to who might Harry and Hermione be based on, here are some of my favorites.


Aha Moments

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Some Excellent Parenting Stories

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Favorite Rabbit Holes

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Tales From Recovering Perfectionists

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